It’s looking more and more like the Federal government will shutdown tonight at midnight Eastern Time. If the government does shut down, who gets the blame? Take the poll (below) and check back often to see the results.
Since I follow politics and write a lot about it, this is a gold mine. I also love my country, so it is embarrassing that Congress and the President can’t work out their differences to keep the government operating.
Back in 1995-96, I was “furloughed” as a government employee (U.S. Senate staffer) when Democrats, led by President Bill Clinton, and Republicans, led by Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, failed to come to an agreement.
During that time, Gingrich was portrayed in the New York Daily News as a crybaby. Clinton’s approval rating took a hit, but he was easily re-elected in November 1996. The Republicans lost a few seats in the House, but gained two seats in the Senate.
More and more our elected officials are acting liked spoiled brats these days. They may need a “time out” to see how their actions are affecting their constituents.